Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Gospel of John 19:31--20:23

The Death and Burial of Jesus, Part 2
The Resurrection of Jesus, with Synoptic Parallels
The Empty Tomb Stories, with Synoptic Paralells
The Post Resurrection Appearances, with Synoptic Parallels

The Gospel of John 19:16-42

The Crucifixion of Jesus, Part 2, with Synoptic Parallels
The Death and Burial of Jesus, Part 1, with Synoptic Parallels

The Gospel of John 19:1-25

The Trials of Jesus before Jewish Authoriies and Pilate, Part 2, with Synoptic Parallels
The Flogging of Jesus, Part 2, with Synoptic Parallels
The Crucifixion of Jesus, Part 1, with Synoptic Parallels

The Gospel of John 18

The Arrest of Jesus
Trials of Jesus before Jewish Authorities and Pilate, Part 1

The Gospel of John 17

Jesus' High Priesty Prayer;
Eternal Life and now; Philippians 2's Christ Hymn
Questions of High Christology and the Trinity

The Gospel of John 16

The Advocate Comes;
Nicene Creed: The Procession of the Holy Spirit
The nature of sin

The Gospel of John 15

The Chain of Love;
Comparing John 6 ("I am the bread of life") with John 15 ("I am the true vine.")
John and the Synoptics on Jesus' Eschatological Teachings

The Gospel of John 14

The Web of Love; Faith in Jesus
The Commandments of Christ
The Trinity's Presence